- Mon-Fri 09.00 - 18.00 SGT (UTC +8)
- edu@apacsma.com
- +65 6653 4249
2 Days
6 modules
2 Days
6 Modules
As operating environments have become even more challenging, uncertain, and disrupted, organisational leaders face the need to transform to sustain performance. Business transformation has become a top priority, but many management teams are uncertain of where to start on the transformation journey, what is digital transformation, how to define the essential strategic level changes needed to meet stakeholder expectations presents a significant challenge.
Soft Systems Methodology [SSM] is a unique, powerful, effective, balanced approach for achieving clarity out of such complexity.
SSM delivers an advanced set of thinking skills needed for decision takers to conduct situational analysis creatively as a platform for confirming the collective core purpose of transformation. Organisational interventions can then be planned from an informed perspective.
The application of SSM leads to a comprehensive, rational, sequential process for delivering a proposal of transformational change to bring about significant improvements in organisational performance.
This programme is eligible for both Career Conversion Programme and Place-and-Train Programme. For salary funding details click here.
An ‘in-house’ programme option can be embedded into an actionable talent management programme for human capital development whereby the outcome of the SSM transformation agenda is set up as a series of facilitated action learning projects for corporate payoff. This is enabled through the presentation of a white paper to the board of the required interventions needed.
At the end of this programme each participant will be able to:
The Performance Acceleration Training Program can be customised into both online and an in-person event attended by team members decided by the organization.
This business and organisational transformation programme can be experienced as a face to face event directed and delivered at a public training venue OR in house as a tailor made leadership development initiative for Client Organisations faced with the need to Transform.
It is a team based collaborative training experience adopting Soft Systems Methodology to better understand sales leadership program, organisational complexities to be faced in order to construct a Transformational Road Map of feasible & desirable changes proposed for management endorsement.
The business and organisational transformation programme can be attended as an online experience delivered over Zoom platform whereby an anchor case will be adopted to explain and discuss the essential stages in the SSM process.
During the intervening time between Master Classes, teams will continue their dialogue to gain further insight and familiarity with the SSM Methodology.
Prior to commencement all participants will receive a full briefing on what is needed to be prepared for the start of the SSM Training.
This impactful methodology is transferable across communities and organisational contexts.
The virtual program can be experienced as a series of six two-hour online interactive master classes:
Session 1:
Session 2:
Session 3
Session 4:
Session 5:
Session 6:
Concluding the SSM programme and lessons learned for future application
Participants will receive a Certificate of Completion from Asia Pacific Sales & Marketing Academy Pte Ltd
APACSMA will issue a digital badge and eCertificate within 2 weeks of completion. You will receive a notification from edu@badges.apacsma.com.
To help showcase your achievements, APACSMA has developed together with industry bodies and academia to provide you with unique blockchain verified credentials, a digital version of your qualifications and abilities.
Once you have accepted your badge, you can broadcast the badge directly to your social networks: LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook; over email; embedded in a website or in your email signature.
For more details on badging click here.
For an official quotation, to get an approval from your management, please fill up the form below indicating “Request for Quote” under Type of Enquiry”.
Send us your message and we will be in touch within 2 business days.